Just deal with it 

  Life throws so many curve balls and so many rocks at you that you think you’re never going to make it through. They just keep coming and coming and coming and it feels as if it’s never going to stop. It feels like it’s never going to end and that you’re never going to be happy. That’s how you learn and grow though, by getting through it. Life isn’t about being happy all the time it’s about how you deal with it and how you make of it. How you take from it. 

  When I was 15 years old I started going to therapy and I started learning how to deal with my anxiety and depression. I was learning why I had these thoughts and how to deal with them when they happened. I was learning that they were just thoughts and that they didn’t mean anything and all they brought me was negativity and unhappiness. Instead of listening to them and hating myself, I started to deal with it and take it as a learning technique. I started to take thoughts like, “you aren’t good enough” and started telling myself, “you ARE good enough and you know it. Just look at the things you have around you.” I started counting my blessings and accepting what I had instead of wishing for what I didn’t have. It wasn’t easy and it still isn’t. I still deal with these thoughts almost everyday but I just deal with it and use my knowledge from what I’ve learned and continue learning from it. Because I AM good enough, and so are you. 

  Some tips I recommend is just keep looking for what you love. Pay attention to the things that actually make you somewhat happy, and don’t let the depression talk you out of doing it. Spend the some what energy you feel like you have at looking for what you love because that’s what will begin to bring happiness to you. 

  BREATHE. BREATHE. BREATHE. The hardest thing to do when having an anxiety attack is to breathe. But, if you focus on your breathing it will begin to bring you back to reality and you can punch the anxious thoughts out! 

  Don’t be afraid to call or text your loved ones. I personally prefer to text because when I talk it takes me time to get the thoughts out of my mouth but when I write or type I am able to organize my thoughts better. Find what helps you the most and don’t be afraid to ask for the help you want/need.

  You can do whatever you put your mind to and that includes fighting the good fight. 

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