The process of learning to love your body

  A process that goes along with learning to love yourself is also learning to love the skin you’re in. When you’re born you’re given a body that is yours until the day you die, it’s your choice to do what you want with it because it is YOUR body.


  Learning to love who you look like in the mirror is a very hard process that everyone experiences at one point or another in their lifetime. Society puts on a front that you have to look a certain way and be a certain size and be a certain weight. That you HAVE to have defining muscles and toned abs to look beautiful and be beautiful. 


That’s not the case whatsoever. As I said earlier, it’s YOUR body and you’re allowed to do whatever you choose to do with it. You don’t have to fall to the standards of what “beauty” is. Society is going to bring you down in any way they can and there will be people who make you feel bad about how you look based on THEIR insecurities. Other people’s opinions of you shouldn’t define you as a person, it’s only when you start letting it is when you start to become  unhappy. 

  Some tips to do when you start to feel insecure about your body:

1. Say “forget it” more. Don’t be afraid to eat that donut that you want if it’s what you choose. Setbacks are normal in any process and if you deprive yourself from it it’s only going to make the hunger for it even worse. 

2. Don’t let negative people tear you down. Build yourself around supportive and positive people who are going to love you even after you eat whatever you want. Who are going to love you for whatever body you have, because support is essential in any process. You attract what you give. 

3. Take it step by step. Don’t rush into anything or be overwhelmed by the bigger picture, start out with baby steps that lead up to the big goal. 

4. Try finding different ways that help you feel good. Some people need support by reassurance and words, some need physical support. Find what makes you feel good about yourself, it can be really hard I know but always refer back to tip #3 if you must. 

5. Know that it’s hard and can be a very long process. Never be afraid to ask for help, I have always been afraid to speak up and ask for help and I slowly am getting help and learning to speak up more. 

6. You’re never alone and this is something everyone experiences at one point on another and it’s something that isn’t impossible. You can do it!!! You’re beautiful just the way you are and you choose to do what you want with your body. 

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