The process of learning to love your body

  A process that goes along with learning to love yourself is also learning to love the skin you’re in. When you’re born you’re given a body that is yours until the day you die, it’s your choice to do what you want with it because it is YOUR body.


  Learning to love who you look like in the mirror is a very hard process that everyone experiences at one point or another in their lifetime. Society puts on a front that you have to look a certain way and be a certain size and be a certain weight. That you HAVE to have defining muscles and toned abs to look beautiful and be beautiful. 


That’s not the case whatsoever. As I said earlier, it’s YOUR body and you’re allowed to do whatever you choose to do with it. You don’t have to fall to the standards of what “beauty” is. Society is going to bring you down in any way they can and there will be people who make you feel bad about how you look based on THEIR insecurities. Other people’s opinions of you shouldn’t define you as a person, it’s only when you start letting it is when you start to become  unhappy. 

  Some tips to do when you start to feel insecure about your body:

1. Say “forget it” more. Don’t be afraid to eat that donut that you want if it’s what you choose. Setbacks are normal in any process and if you deprive yourself from it it’s only going to make the hunger for it even worse. 

2. Don’t let negative people tear you down. Build yourself around supportive and positive people who are going to love you even after you eat whatever you want. Who are going to love you for whatever body you have, because support is essential in any process. You attract what you give. 

3. Take it step by step. Don’t rush into anything or be overwhelmed by the bigger picture, start out with baby steps that lead up to the big goal. 

4. Try finding different ways that help you feel good. Some people need support by reassurance and words, some need physical support. Find what makes you feel good about yourself, it can be really hard I know but always refer back to tip #3 if you must. 

5. Know that it’s hard and can be a very long process. Never be afraid to ask for help, I have always been afraid to speak up and ask for help and I slowly am getting help and learning to speak up more. 

6. You’re never alone and this is something everyone experiences at one point on another and it’s something that isn’t impossible. You can do it!!! You’re beautiful just the way you are and you choose to do what you want with your body. 

Thank You

Thank you for the scars that still leave me healing.

Thank you for the nightmares.

Thank you for the insecurities.

Thank you for the fear.

Thank you for the thoughts.

Thank you for making me feel like a burden.

Thank you for the tears.

Thank you for the heartbreak.

Thank you for changing my life.

Thank you for having me see my worth.

Thank you for making me stronger.

Thank you for treating me like shit,

Because without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today.




Learning to love myself 

It’s a process. That’s all life is is a process. You take your own journey to fulfil a purpose that you’re supposedly given the day you are born by some type of unknown and invisible being from up above. So that’s what some parents tell their kids, that’s faith. I have learned to form my own opinions and beliefs and although I believe there may be somewhere we go after we die, it’s hard to believe it if I don’t see it. This faith I have is something I’m trying to form from within myself and for myself. Why do we teach children to believe in something nobody has actually ever see, more than for them to believe in themselves? Why do we believe in other people more than we believe in ourselves? Why is self-love such a long process? These are questions I ask myself all the time and they always stay unanswered. You see, in society, we are taught to believe that everyone is competition. We are taught that there’s no way for us to be the best unless we are trying to be better than someone else. Make sure our vacation is better. Our family is better. Our career is better. Our lifestyle is better. Our hobbies are better. Everything in our day-to-day lives HAS to be better than someone else. This is something we are taught to believe and then once you get older, you realize [hopefully] at some point that that’s just not true. That you are and have always been in competition with yourself. Trying to be better than who we were yesterday, or a week ago or a year ago or a decade ago. We are always trying to be a better version of who we are. Everyone is on a different journey and everyone has different biology and that makes no one person the same as the next. It makes each and every person unique in some way and that’s where self-love comes into play. Throughout high school I tried to find my “people.” I tried to find the group that I fit in with and that understands me and are just like me. But, that’s not even a realistic expectation if we are biologically and pschyologically different right? One new thing I’ve learned is that if you are just who you are, then people the right people will come into your life. If you try too hard to be someone else or be exactly like someone else you’re just hurting yourself and setting yourself back even more than truly moving on in your journey of life. My process, my focus is to love myself more than I did yesterday. More than I did a year ago. More than I will tomorrow or in 30 years. Life is about learning and soaking in what experience you go through whether good or bad and taking that and incorporating it into the next step of your process. Whether you are working on a career path, a family, love, marriage, whatever the case may be, you learn. You fight. And you move on. I still don’t love myself completely and I have recognized that and it’s time to take the next step in my process and to bring back the focus to me. To find what I like and what I don’t like. To say no more. To say what I mean and mean what I say. To communicate better. To look at myself and find who I truly am and discover why I am so unique and different from everyone else. I don’t know what the next step will be but I am excited to find out because I am ready to learn and I am ready to conquer. I am ready to continue onto my path of loving myself. I hope you continue your process and realize how unique and special you really are to this world and how important you are.